3 golf clubs we would like to have but only available in the US

With 28 million golfers, the US (United States) market is essential. A larger offer in such a market means that we Europeans will never have the opportunity to see, except on social networks or during the PGA Show. So, I give 2 brands and a club model that we would love to have here in Europe.

Tommy Armour, a tumultuous brand.

Tommy Armour had his heyday with the 845s. The Silverscots are undoubtedly the best known. The Evo Cavity were without doubt the most beautiful clubs created by the brand. For my part, I started with much more tolerant Vault irons equipped with an offset.

The Arrmour Evo Cavity Back
Tommy Armour’s Evo Cavity Back. Arguably the sexiest combo series ever.

Tommy Armour as we know it, started in 1910 in Ohio as the Burke Golf Equipment company. Going quickly through the changes of names and owners in the following decades, the company manufactured clubs bearing the name PGA Golf. They had to change its name because of the quasi-homonymous organization whose decided to call itself thus in March 1982.
In 1985 whereas Tommy Armour disappeared in 1968, the family of the player with 3 major, reached an agreement with the equipment manufacturer. And the Tommy Armour Golf Company was born!

The iconic name 845 actually comes from the address of the former PGA golf course: 350 North Lehigh Avenue in Morton Grove. And so 845 is just 10 more.

In the grip of competition and serial purchases / resales, the brand fell into oblivion until 2016 when Dick Sporting Goods bought the brand and relaunched it in 2020. Positioned mid-range, the brand offered all clubs. The driver is at 229 dollars for example while a series of forged irons is only at 800 dollars.

the forged irons starts at 800 dollars

A bargain given the price level of today’s clubs. Unfortunately, these clubs will not make an appearance in Europe. Hoping that the next forged iron combo from Inesis will fill this large distributor brand void.

Cleveland Huntington Beach Soft Premier

With the release of the Cleveland RTX ZipCore and the renewal of the Srixon Z range with the ZX collection, the group did not see fit to deliver the softer version of its Cleveland putter; the Huntington Beach Soft. In this version called “Premier”, the club is still at the same price (at least in the USA) and in dark gray in color. Praised by testers for its ultra-soft feel, this putter is below $ 160.

For a few dollars more you can customize your putter, for example changing the color of the writing or the logo on the face. What is now being asked of Cleveland is to distribute it in Europe … with customization options, obviously.

L.A.B golf the torque free putter

Launched a few years ago, L.A.B (Lie Angle Balance) offers putters that do not generate torque on impact. This is to say that your body does not have to compensate to deliver a square impact. With a tool invented by them, their videos show that their putter does not undergo any force during the whole stroke. Unlike all the others.

Ononly available for direct purchase in the US, there are a few clubfitters in Europe. With already a starting price of 425 dollars for the DirectForce 2.1 model, the final bill can quickly increase with the customization options. By counting the color, technical specifications, and different marking options, you can quickly reach 700 dollars. To this must be added the shipping and customs costs.

The Direct Force 2.1

On the other hand, a putter like this can be kept for life, right?

Do not hesitate to tell me which of these brands or models you would like to see distributed in Europe. But also if there are other US or other brand products that you would like to have above all else.

About Nicolas Bykoff

Ecrire sur le golf ? Pourquoi pas ? Cela fait plus de 10 ans que je joue au golf, et après avoir fait des stages d'arbitrages, eu ma licence d'agent de joueur, et avoir travaillé pendant trois ans en tant que starter, je m'octroie la légitimité d'écrire sur le golf.

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