Sneakers how to convert them in golf shoes?

No, this is not a magic trick. But more of a concept that has taken shape and that transforms any pair of sneakers, or tennis shoes into golf shoes. 8 cleats that you install under the shoe sole to have a perfect grip on the golf course. Who has never dreamed that Vans makes golf shoes? With GolfKicks, all brands make golf shoes. However, this brand based in Denver (USA) finally makes it possible.

Cleats to add on the sole of the shoes

This product, which you should have seen hanging around on Kickstarter in 2018, is quite simple. It consists of a kit of 20 cleats and a screwdriver. All for 28 euros without counting the shipping and customs costs. The product, available in several colors, however, is only distributed in the United States.

Le kit pour transformer ses sneakers en chaussures de golf


6 things to know before you buy

The urge to transform old sneakers into shoes has never been stronger. Besides, I have one or two pairs who would be delighted to end their days on a course. But before ordering some recommendations and precautions for use.


  • The sole must be flat and made of rubber
    We say yes to Vans or Converses but no to Nike Revolution for example with a foam sole.
  • It is advisable to use Shoegoo or other glue which remains flexible when dried when inserting the crampon.
  • Beware of the air cushion or other integrated into the sole of the shoe. Obvious, but it needs to be specified.
  • 8 cleats per shoe is more than enough
  • Do not remove them after each use. If you use glue the question does not arise. Otherwise the insertion hole may get bigger and the cleat will not have enough material to stay hooked.
  • Install the cleats on soles that measure at least 0.84 cm to prevent the crampon screw from crossing and puncturing your foot.

Now you know how to make your Nike, Adidas or old sneakers into golf shoes.
Even if you add the glue, everything should be within 50 euros. Always cheaper than a new pair of golf shoes.

About Nicolas BYKOFF

Writing about golf? Why not? After having spent nearly 20 years in the game, I am granting myself the right to write about golf. Don't agree? Contact me.

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