Back9: the perfect urban golf bag?

Stand or cart bag, we’ve seen a lot of golf bags. Sometimes more practical with dedicated pockets for your mobile phone, or a sleeve to put you alignment sticks. But shouldn’t the golf bag be re-invented? After all, shouldn’t a carry bag be standing vertically on your back? Side street golf created a buzz while ago. Their bag, the Back9 is a backpack golf bag. A simple idea that solves the burden of carrying a “traditional” golf bag across the city, by bike, or by train. Should you buy one? or several? At least, starting March, the 8th, their Kickstarter campaign is on.

What is Back9 for SideStreetGolf?

This vertical golf bag is made for movement. With 4 dividers, you can carry up to 14 clubs. Alongside, there are 8 pockets including an insulated beverage pocket and a tee holder. To carry it, the twin straps can be reattached to a single or double strap configuration. On top of that a molded grab handle helps to deploy the stand.

Your back is not forgotten. A lumbar cushioning makes the bag comfortable to wear and keep the club heads to hit your helmet or your bare head.

In most the cases for this project, it was born to fulfill a need. The urban need. For those golfers who don’t have the 15th club (a car) but use public transports or a 2-wheeler to get to the course. Not so long ago, I used to carry my stand bag on a bicycle. That’s what most Dutch do. But the comfort was little. Once the bag on the back, the wingspan could be a problem. If I had one these, it would have been a no brainer. Even nowadays. For example I could easily take the train, then take a shared-car and play golf.

Well you see what I mean. And this dream becoming a reality is close. As I am writing this article, the entire project was founded on day 1!

The Back9 in pictures

Back the project on the KickStarter page

Born in Chicago, Bob Hugelet is the guy who was tired to readjust his bag while he was biking to the driving range. Of course no solution exited on the market. So this senior consultant at Deloitte started to design a solution. Now it is almost a reality.
The golf backpack, will be available at a retail price of 225 dollars on Side Street Golf but on Kickstarter the price per unit will be 160 dollars with a delivery later this year.

As a reminder and to avoid any disappointment, don’t forget that Kickstarter is not a webshop but an investment platform. There is a risk in investing. But I can’t help myself to talk about those initiatives that make golf like we are.


About Nicolas BYKOFF

Writing about golf? Why not? After having spent nearly 20 years in the game, I am granting myself the right to write about golf. Don't agree? Contact me.

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