A virus is keeping us from expressing our passion without restraint on the golf courses. We are not the only ones. Today more than 2 billion human beings are confined. While some are ready to brave the danger for a few hours on a route, I read on my twitter feed that an Italian priest gave his fan to save a younger victim. Now is everything more important than golf. Reason enough to talk less about it?
At the beginning, to deprive us of golf while spring is emerging, because of this virus which “kills” only 2 to 3 percent of the sick ones, is lived as an injustice. But as the epidemic becomes a pandemic, and every morning the numbers see double , some fight to keep their golf courses open, while the medical staff lives the apocalypse.
Let’s reestablish the order of priorities, it’s just a parenthesis.
With golf courses closed, the threat of the virus and the weather getting better, not swinging a club is a heartbreak. But let’s take a step back. Stay at home and not playing are saving lives. What is the most important thing to push a ball into a hole to satisfy a personal desire or to take care of yourself and others to stop a very contagious virus that kills faster and faster? The answer is so obvious that it does not even deserve to be mentioned. It is only a parenthesis.By making an effort now that we can rediscover our former life.
Under duress, the imagination overflows. To see all these initiatives on social networks, I am even more convinced. Trickshots by Arnaud Sérié or the juggling videos of Golfers while passing through individual initiatives show me that golf is elsewhere … just on a break. Which explains why I also feel less like talking about golf. I just want to hold my breath and not take it back when it is all over.
Opportunity more than constraints
All the players in the golf world have found or are about to find an opportunity for this health crisis. Whether online courses or tips for playing golf at home, there is no shortage of interesting content, especially since we have never been as connected as now.
I quickly discussed the situation with golf entrepreneurs such as Pierre Valette who is about to launch his clothing brand Wilde . Even if uncertainty can take hold of our hopes, optimism makes us see that there is always hope. No one has stopped loving golf. It’s just a break. We hold our breath while continuing to swim.
Do not cancel, postpone your golf trip.
The industry will catch its breath, just give it a little oxygen during these difficult times. The best way is not to withdraw all of your chips. If you have planned a golf trip, do not cancel it. Negotiate with your agency, a postponement of your trip. With this united gesture, they too will be able to hold their breath for a few months.
And if you also stay at home, everyone will get their heads out of the water even faster.
Photo by Sasha Freemind om Unsplash