[UPDATE 29.04.2021] Because of the quarantine protocoles across Europe and the vaccinations roll-out, the organizer of the EUGC is forced to cancel the event.
It’s official ! Bogeymag is a media partner of the European Urban Golf Cup 2021. So what will this partnership look like and what is EUGC?
The urban golf biennial
Before starting, it is necessary to bring an etymological precision. For the most part, this discipline is called urban golf. In France, the discipline is identified as street golf.
Since the first event which take place in Paris in 2013, the popularity of the sport has continued to grow. More and more clubs and groups of all kinds have emerged across Europe. With variations, of course, but a desire to play golf off the greens.
The editions of the European Urban Golf Cup have followed one another and the intention to create a world cup has materialized. After playing EUGC in 2016 in Amsterdam, I also participated in the World Cup in 2018 in Pantin. And now I’m EUGC media partner … well BogeyMag is. So what will it consist of apart from seeing the logo all over the place?
Talk about urban golf and street golf.
The goal is to talk more widely of urban golf and street golf. Although there were few events last year, urban golf deserves a little more share of voice than it does today.
This year, depending on how the situation evolves, you will see more content around urban golf.
But prior to this, here’s 2 reads to get acquainted with the sport.
You say ‘the first event [….] in London’ (2015) ?
– so you dont count Paris 2013 and Cologne 2014?
Thanks Christian,
Sorry for the mistake. I really thought London was the first one.
I hope we will see each other in July.
Great story and congrats to you partnerships with eugc 2021
Thanks Stibrie for the comment ! I hope it will be successful.